Decision Support for Learners in Mash-Up Personal Learning Environments

    Activity: Talk or presentation typesTalk or presentation (not at a conference)Academic


    The following presentation describes how Mash-Up Personal Learning Environment (MUPPLEs) are based on the concepts of Learning Network and emergence. It describes decision problems of learners in MUPPLEs created by the plethora of information that is emerging. It further presents a first technical prototype called ReMashed that attempt to support learners on their decisions by personalizing and filtering the emerging information.
    Drachsler, H. (2009). Decision Support for Learners in Mash-Up Personal Learning Environments. Presentation given at PLE course. December, 15, 2009‚ Hamburg, Germany: Fakultät für Erziehungswissenschaft, Psychologie und Bewegungswissenschaft
    Period15 Dec 2009
    Held atUniversity of Hamburg, Germany