Development and Validation of an Instrument for Measuring ICT Skills for Personalized Learning

  • Kevin Ackermans (Speaker)
  • Marjoke Bakker (Speaker)
  • Pierre Gorissen (Speaker)
  • Anne-Marieke Van Loon (Speaker)
  • Marijke Kral (Speaker)
  • Camp, G. (Speaker)

Activity: Talk or presentation typesConference contribution (without a publication)Academic


Our study investigatesthe development and validation of a test for assessing primary school students’ICT skills required for personalized learning using ICT. Based on literature, aconceptual model was established consisting of three domains of students’ ICTuse necessary for personalized learning with ICT: effective, collaborative, andcreative use of ICT. For these three domains, the corresponding learningobjectives were identified. An online test was developed, consisting of 34 testitems to cover these learning objectives. The test’s cognitive validity wasanalyzed using three iterative rounds of think aloud interviews with students(n=25). The digital format of the test was evaluated through a usability test(n=…). The final test was administered at nine Dutch primary schools (n=575students). Reliability was analyzed through internal consistency and compositereliability using factor models. The results of our conceptual 3-factorconfirmatory model showed that the test reliably measures primary school students’ICT skills for the three domains: effective use (ω = .82),collaborative use (ω = .80) andcreative use (ω = .64). Inaddition, we found evidence suggesting the PLICT test is applicable to twoskills of the wider field of digital literacy. A digital literacy 2-factormodel provides additional reliable information on basic ICT skills (ω = .88) andinformation literacy (ω= .71) skills of primary education students.
Period1 Sept 2022
Event titleEARLI SIG 27 Conference: Online Measures of Learning Processes
Event typeConference
LocationSouthampton, United KingdomShow on map
Degree of RecognitionInternational