In my talk I gave an overview on the topic “search as learning” from a psychological perspective (specifically an educational and applied cognitive psychology perspective). The focus of psychological research in this field is on using the Internet to learn about complex, conflicting scientific or health-related issues rather than to learn simple facts. Such so-called ill-structured problems do not have a single, definitive solution, but are characterized by conflicting and fragile evidence. Two central processing steps that are typically addressed in this mostly experimental research are (1) the evaluation and selection of search results presented by a search engine, and (2) the comparison and integration of information from multiple websites. Moreover, during both steps source evaluation processes are investigated; i.e., whether, how, and when learners attend to, evaluate, and use information about the sources of documents (cf. credibility assessment). As outlined in my talk, a central goal of psychological research in this field is also to identify and examine factors that might influence the information seeking processes and learning outcomes. Such influencing factors are, for instance, prior topic knowledge or attitudes (i.e., individual variables), task instructions or trainings (i.e., contextual variables), or search tools or interfaces (i.e., resource variables).Period | 27 Feb 2017 |
Event title | Dagstuhl Seminar 17092: Search as Learning |
Event type | Seminar |
Location | Wadern, Germany, SaarlandShow on map |