Teachers as designers of technology enhanced learning

  • Yael Kali (Speaker)
  • Susan McKenney - Jensh (Speaker)
  • Joke Voogt (Speaker)

    Activity: Talk or presentation typesTalk or presentation (not at a conference)Academic


    Design of (technology-enhanced) learning activities and materials is one fruitful process through which teachers learn and become professionals. To facilitate this process, research is needed to understand how teachers learn through design, how this process may be supported, and how teacher involvement in design partnerships with researchers impacts the quality of the artifacts created, their implementation, and ultimately, student learning. This session speaks to that need by bringing together diverse researchers who, together with practitioners, have explored various affordances of (technology-enhanced learning) design activities for facilitating teaching, learning, curriculum innovation and teacher professional development.
    PeriodJun 2014
    Event title11th International Conference of the Learning Science
    Event typeConference
    Conference number11th
    LocationBoulder, United States, ColoradoShow on map