The ALOUD Study: Adult Learning Open University Determinants Study - Influence of biological and psychological determinants on study success in formal lifelong learning in adults

  • Jérôme Gijselaers (Speaker)
  • Joyce Neroni (Speaker)
  • de Groot, R. (Speaker)
  • Paul Kirschner (Speaker)

    Activity: Talk or presentation typesTalk or presentation (not at a conference)Academic


    This is the presentation of the project proposal of the ALOUD-project in a meeting with KU Leuven. This project focuses on the psychological (J. Neroni) and biological (H.J.M. Gijselaers) determinants that influence formal lifelong learning. Presentation given for visit of KU Leuven at CELSTEC. Heerlen, The Netherlands.
    PeriodSept 2011