Data for: Prioritization of Pesticide Usage in the Upper Citarum River Basin, Indonesia

  • Gertjan W. Geerling (Contributor)
  • Indah R.S. Salami (Contributor)
  • Suprihanto Notodarmojo (Contributor)
  • Rosetyati R. Utami (Contributor)
  • Ad M.J. Ragas (Contributor)



This dataset is associated with the article "Prioritization of Pesticide Usage in the Upper Citarum River Basin, Indonesia" by .R. Utami, G. W. Geerling, I.R.S. Salami, S. Notodarmojo and A.M.J. Ragas to be considered for publication as a research paper in Science of the Total Environment in March 2020. This research involves environmental data of anthroposphere (i.e. pesticide used by the farmers), hydrosphere (i.e. pesticide concentration in surface water, precipitation data and river discharge data for the runoff modelling), and partly lithosphere (i.e. half-life of the pesticide in soil, sorption coefficient of the pesticide to organic carbon and the fraction organic carbon in soil for the runoff modelling). The study combines several subjects such as agriculture, environmental modelling, ecotoxicology and human health risk assessment, and also emerging contaminants in the surface water. Please see the research manuscript for more information about this dataset.
Date made available12 Jun 2020
PublisherMendeley Data
Geographical coverageUpper Citarum River Basin, Indonesia

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