In this study 60 female members of the general public were asked to:
Complete the attitudes towards sex offenders scale (ATS; Hogue, 1993)
Indicate for 8 people (released sex, fraud, violent offenders and non-offenders) whether they would accept these people in a range of activities or situations.
In the ComibinedData folder the file recoded_ATS_LG.csv contains the combined ATS responses, including a column indicated the reverse coded response (when applicable). The following data columns are included:
Resp Response in words
Question The question asked
RespCoord Where on the screen the participant clicked (in pixels)
response_time Time between the onset of the question and the mouse click
subject_nr The subject number
Number The question number
Reverse Indicating whether the response needs to be reverse coded
score The response as a number (1 = strongly disagree, 5 = strongly agree)
after_rev The response after reverse coding (6 - score when Reverse = Yes)
In the ComibinedData folder the file combined_acceptance.csv contains the combined responses from the acceptance task. The following data columns are included:
Image The image that was shown
Name The name of the person in the vignette
Question The description of the situation
Resp The response of the participant (accept = Yes)
RespCoord Where the participant clicked with the mouse in pixels
Vignette Full text of the vignette
response_time The time between onset of the vignette and the response
subject_nr Subject number
Complete the attitudes towards sex offenders scale (ATS; Hogue, 1993)
Indicate for 8 people (released sex, fraud, violent offenders and non-offenders) whether they would accept these people in a range of activities or situations.
In the ComibinedData folder the file recoded_ATS_LG.csv contains the combined ATS responses, including a column indicated the reverse coded response (when applicable). The following data columns are included:
Resp Response in words
Question The question asked
RespCoord Where on the screen the participant clicked (in pixels)
response_time Time between the onset of the question and the mouse click
subject_nr The subject number
Number The question number
Reverse Indicating whether the response needs to be reverse coded
score The response as a number (1 = strongly disagree, 5 = strongly agree)
after_rev The response after reverse coding (6 - score when Reverse = Yes)
In the ComibinedData folder the file combined_acceptance.csv contains the combined responses from the acceptance task. The following data columns are included:
Image The image that was shown
Name The name of the person in the vignette
Question The description of the situation
Resp The response of the participant (accept = Yes)
RespCoord Where the participant clicked with the mouse in pixels
Vignette Full text of the vignette
response_time The time between onset of the vignette and the response
subject_nr Subject number
Date made available | 15 Aug 2023 |
Publisher | Open Science Framework |