Activities per year
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Rechter en ethiek
Venema, D. (Speaker) & Kwak, A. J. (Speaker)
10 May 2023Activity: Talk or presentation types › Talk or presentation (not at a conference) › Professional
Groepsnormen voor norm-entrepreneurs. Tuchtrecht, beroepsethiek en de maatschappelijk positie van de advocatuur
Venema, D. (Speaker)
19 Jan 2023Activity: Talk or presentation types › Talk or presentation (not at a conference) › Professional
Morele dilemma's in het politiestraatwerk in coronatijd
Strikwerda, L. (Speaker)
9 Jun 2022Activity: Talk or presentation types › Talk or presentation (not at a conference) › Professional
Access to healthcare, commercialization, solidarity
Arenas Catalán, E. (Speaker)
1 Jun 2022Activity: Talk or presentation types › Talk or presentation (not at a conference) › Academic
Settlement of Disputes
Arenas Catalán, E. (Invited speaker) & Campusano Droguett, R. (Speaker)
4 May 2022Activity: Talk or presentation types › Talk or presentation (not at a conference) › Academic
Boekpresentatie Cohesie en polarisatie in de stad
Attinger, M. (Speaker)
1 Nov 2022Activity: Talk or presentation types › Talk or presentation (not at a conference) › Academic
Giving substance to ideology diversity through the Flemish government-provided education institutions: from theory to practice
Devriendt, S. (Speaker)
22 Nov 2022Activity: Talk or presentation types › Talk or presentation (not at a conference) › Professional
Netwerkmiddag procesregisseurs Zorg- en Veiligheidshuizen
Janssen, J. (Speaker)
23 May 2022Activity: Talk or presentation types › Talk or presentation (not at a conference) › Professional
Digitalization and the (im)balance of power among the three branches - talk for the Hungarian Adacemy of Sciences
Passchier, R. (Speaker)
16 Jun 2022Activity: Talk or presentation types › Talk or presentation (not at a conference) › Academic
Digitalization and the (im)balance of power among the three branches - Paper presentation at conference 'The Impact of Digitalization on Constitutional Law'
Passchier, R. (Speaker)
1 Feb 2022Activity: Talk or presentation types › Talk or presentation (not at a conference) › Academic
The Arms Trade, International Crimes and Human Rights: How Can Corporations Be Held Accountable?
Touw, N. (Speaker)
9 Nov 2022Activity: Talk or presentation types › Talk or presentation (not at a conference) › Academic
Tragische resten en het recht
Venema, D. (Speaker)
16 Jun 2022Activity: Talk or presentation types › Talk or presentation (not at a conference) › Professional
De hoogste rechters en de Duitse bezetter in zeven landen 1939-1945
Venema, D. (Speaker)
7 Oct 2022Activity: Talk or presentation types › Talk or presentation (not at a conference) › Academic
The criminal law approach towards money laundering and fundamental rights of suspects
Braber, I. (Speaker)
9 Jan 2022Activity: Talk or presentation types › Talk or presentation (not at a conference) › Professional
Research colloquium organised by the Paul Scholten Centre, in collaboration with the Amsterdam Centre for European Law & Governance.
Janse, R. (Speaker)
17 Mar 2022Activity: Talk or presentation types › Talk or presentation (not at a conference) › Academic
De aanpak van eergerelateerd geweld
Janssen, J. (Speaker)
24 May 2022Activity: Talk or presentation types › Talk or presentation (not at a conference) › Professional
Themadag verhoor, politie Oost-Brabant
Malsch, M. (Speaker)
2022Activity: Talk or presentation types › Talk or presentation (not at a conference) › Academic
Traditions in law and social sciences in writing a dissertation; obstacles and possible solutions
Malsch, M. (Speaker)
2022Activity: Talk or presentation types › Talk or presentation (not at a conference) › Professional
Big Tech en de democratische rechtsstaat - Lezing voor het ministerie van Justitie
Passchier, R. (Speaker)
24 Feb 2022Activity: Talk or presentation types › Talk or presentation (not at a conference) › Professional
Lunchlezing/discussie met het bestuur van de AP
Passchier, R. (Speaker)
3 Nov 2022Activity: Talk or presentation types › Talk or presentation (not at a conference) › Professional
Lezing over Big Tech en de rechtsstaat op de studentendag van de OU
Passchier, R. (Speaker)
26 Nov 2022Activity: Talk or presentation types › Talk or presentation (not at a conference) › Academic
AI en de rechtsstaat - workshop bij de Rijksacademie (2x)
Passchier, R. (Speaker)
28 Jan 2022Activity: Talk or presentation types › Talk or presentation (not at a conference) › Professional
AI, rechtsstaat en rechtspraak - Lezing bij het congres 'digitale rechtspraak'
Passchier, R. (Speaker)
14 Oct 2022Activity: Talk or presentation types › Talk or presentation (not at a conference) › Professional
De hoogste rechters en de Duitse bezetter in zeven landen 1939-1945
Venema, D. (Speaker)
9 May 2022Activity: Talk or presentation types › Talk or presentation (not at a conference) › Academic
Rechters in oorlogstijd
Venema, D. (Speaker)
20 Oct 2022Activity: Talk or presentation types › Talk or presentation (not at a conference) › Academic
Doctoral thesis: life’s work or test of competence?
Malsch, M. (Speaker)
16 Mar 2022Activity: Talk or presentation types › Talk or presentation (not at a conference) › Academic
Wetenschap en overheidsbeleid: een spanningsvolle relatie
Malsch, M. (Speaker)
27 Jun 2022Activity: Talk or presentation types › Talk or presentation (not at a conference) › Academic
Digitaal feodalisme - Lezing bij Rotary International Den Haag
Passchier, R. (Speaker)
7 Apr 2022Activity: Talk or presentation types › Talk or presentation (not at a conference) › Professional
Big Tech en de rechtsstaat - lezing Rijksacademie
Passchier, R. (Speaker)
11 Feb 2022Activity: Talk or presentation types › Talk or presentation (not at a conference) › Professional
Is Big Tech neofeodalisme 2.0? - Lezing voor studievereniging Res Publica Leiden
Passchier, R. (Speaker)
28 Feb 2022Activity: Talk or presentation types › Talk or presentation (not at a conference) › Academic
Artificiële Intelligentie en de rechtsstaat - cursus academie voor wetgeving en overheidsjuristen (2 bijeenkomsten)
Passchier, R. (Speaker)
3 Jun 2022Activity: Talk or presentation types › Talk or presentation (not at a conference) › Academic
Bestuursrechtspraak na de reflectie
Venema, D. (Speaker)
7 Apr 2022Activity: Talk or presentation types › Talk or presentation (not at a conference) › Professional
Nationale rechters en de Europese prejudiciële procedure
Claassen, J. (Speaker)
28 Sept 2021Activity: Talk or presentation types › Talk or presentation (not at a conference) › Academic
De strafrechtelijke bestrijding van witwassen, nemo tenetur en de onschuldpresumptie
Braber, I. (Speaker)
2021Activity: Talk or presentation types › Talk or presentation (not at a conference) › Academic
Chile's new constitution: what right to health?
Arenas Catalán, E. (Speaker)
22 Jan 2021Activity: Talk or presentation types › Talk or presentation (not at a conference) › Academic
Guest Lecture: The human right to health. Solidarity in the era of healthcare commercialization
Arenas Catalán, E. (Speaker)
27 Oct 2021Activity: Talk or presentation types › Talk or presentation (not at a conference) › Academic
Strafbaarstelling van psychisch geweld
Dreissen, W. (Speaker) & Janssen, J. (Speaker)
3 May 2021Activity: Talk or presentation types › Talk or presentation (not at a conference) › Professional
Wat is het belang van empirisch onderzoek voor de jurist?
Malsch, M. (Speaker)
2021Activity: Talk or presentation types › Talk or presentation (not at a conference) › Academic
Webinar Artificiële intelligentie (AI) versus de rechtsstaat
Passchier, R. (Speaker) & Herrenberg, T. (Speaker)
1 Mar 2021Activity: Talk or presentation types › Talk or presentation (not at a conference) › Academic
Big Tech and the sovereignty of the legislator. How can we avoid digital feudalism?
Passchier, R. (Speaker)
Oct 2021Activity: Talk or presentation types › Talk or presentation (not at a conference) › Academic
Tussen constitutioneel pacifisme en weer een ‘normaal’ land, wat is er nog over van artikel 9?
Passchier, R. (Speaker)
9 Feb 2021Activity: Talk or presentation types › Talk or presentation (not at a conference) › Academic
Digitalisering en de (dis)balans in de trias politica
Passchier, R. (Speaker)
12 May 2021Activity: Talk or presentation types › Talk or presentation (not at a conference) › Professional
Artificiële intelligentie en de (dis)balans binnen de trias politica
Passchier, R. (Speaker)
22 Jun 2021Activity: Talk or presentation types › Talk or presentation (not at a conference) › Academic
SAILS Lunch Time Seminar: AI and the Separation of Powers Within States
Passchier, R. (Speaker)
7 Jun 2021Activity: Talk or presentation types › Talk or presentation (not at a conference) › Academic
Voorkom een tweede toeslagenaffaire
Passchier, R. (Speaker)
29 Jun 2021Activity: Talk or presentation types › Talk or presentation (not at a conference) › Popular
Too Poor for Justice? The Social Dimension of the Rule of Law
Schnabl, N. (Speaker)
4 Mar 2021Activity: Talk or presentation types › Talk or presentation (not at a conference) › Academic
Relocalising Conflict: Reimagining Transitional Justice in a Globalised World
Touw, N. (Speaker) & Mann, J.-K. (Speaker)
26 Mar 2021Activity: Talk or presentation types › Talk or presentation (not at a conference) › Academic
Access to information for victims of human rights violations in civil litigation against transnationally operating companies
Touw, N. (Speaker)
6 Jun 2021Activity: Talk or presentation types › Talk or presentation (not at a conference) › Academic
Polen en de voorrang van het EU-recht
Claassen, J. (Speaker)
6 Dec 2021Activity: Talk or presentation types › Talk or presentation (not at a conference) › Professional
The Right of Access to Healthcare: Tracing Solidarity in the United Nations, Inter-American and European Human Rights Systems
Arenas Catalán, E. (Speaker)
15 Apr 2021 → 16 Apr 2021Activity: Talk or presentation types › Talk or presentation (not at a conference) › Academic