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Drop by Drop: Facilitating the Energy-saving Behavior of Smart House/Office Inhabitants using AI and Gamification
Klemke, R. (PI), Iren, D. (CoI) & Peters, G.-J. Y. (CoI)
1/07/22 → 1/07/26
Project: Research
Playground Heroes: An educational program for primary school pupils to understand and recognize racism and to intervene in racist-based bullying situations
Bos, A. (PI), Blok, G. (CoI), Willems, R. (CoI), van Lankveld, G. (CoI), de Bruijn, P. (CoI), Maria, S. (CoI), Völlink, T. (CoI), Dehue, F. (CoI) & Aduful, K. (Junior researcher)
1/05/22 → 1/05/26
Project: PhD project
Sense the classroom: AI-supported synchronous online education for a resilient new normal
Klemke, R. (PI), Iren, D. (CoI) & Urlings, C. (PI)
1/09/21 → 31/08/25
Project: Research
Professional Development for Digital Teaching and Learning
Klemke, R. (PI), Kelly, A. (PI), Brouns, F. (PI), Wopereis, I. (PI) & Heeroma, N. (PI)
1/04/21 → 31/03/23
Project: Research
PV methode: Pe(e)rfect Vaardig: Een online methode voor interactief en praktijkgericht vaardighedenonderwijs in het Hoger Onderwijs via peer feedback en video-verrijkte rubrieken
Rusman, E. (PI), Nadolski, R. (CoI), Eshuis, J. (Project team member), Gruijters, S. (Project team member), Jordaans - Lindeman, A. (Project team member), Slootmaker, A. (Project team member), Kurvers, H. (Project team member), van der Meer, N. (Project team member), Berkhout, J. (Project team member) & Korenhof, M. (Project team member)
1/09/20 → 1/09/22
Project: Other
DE-TEL: Doctoral education in Technology-enhanced learning
Klemke, R. (PI), Kelly, A. (PI), Hummel, H. (PI) & Urlings, C. (PI)
1/09/19 → 31/12/22
Project: Research
Tyconstructor: Mini-Games That Foster Entrepreneurial Competence For The Construction Sector
Hummel, H. (PI)
1/10/18 → 1/03/21
Project: Research
openVM: Opening Education for Developing, Assessing and Recognising Virtual Mobility Skills in Higher Education
Brouns, F. (PI), Firssova, O. (PI) & Rajagopal, K. (PI)
1/09/17 → 31/08/20
Project: Research