Activities per year
- 650 - 700 out of 2,383 results
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EARLI SIG 27 (External organisation)
Catrysse, L. (Chair)
2019 → 2023Activity: Membership types › Membership of network › Academic
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning (Journal)
Catrysse, L. (Peer reviewer)
2019 → …Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work types › Peer-review (publication) › Academic
Measuring what measures Exploring inductive approaches to evaluation design in Education for Sustainability.
de Jong, F. (Assessment committee member)
28 May 2019Activity: PhD supervision and PhD examination types › PhD examination › Academic
Beoordeling proefschrift
Kuijpers, M. (Assessment committee member)
24 May 2019Activity: PhD supervision and PhD examination types › PhD examination › Academic
Loopbaangerichte begeleiding in het TVV-project
Kuijpers, M. (Speaker)
12 Jun 2019Activity: Talk or presentation types › Talk or presentation (not at a conference) › Academic
Lezing Doorlopende LOBlijn
Kuijpers, M. (Speaker)
19 Sept 2019Activity: Talk or presentation types › Talk or presentation (not at a conference) › Professional
Visiebijeenkomst LOB in LVO
Kuijpers, M. (Invited speaker)
13 Dec 2019Activity: Talk or presentation types › Talk or presentation (not at a conference) › Professional
Expert panel: distance education for multicampus teacher education
Verjans, S. (Panel member)
8 May 2019Activity: Talk or presentation types › Talk or presentation (not at a conference) › Academic
Leven lang ontwikkelen, onderzoek en praktijk.
Kuijpers, M. (Speaker)
17 May 2019Activity: Talk or presentation types › Talk or presentation (not at a conference) › Academic
Toekomstbestendig onderwijs
Kuijpers, M. (Invited speaker)
12 Sept 2019Activity: Talk or presentation types › Talk or presentation (not at a conference) › Professional
Toekomstbestendig onderwijs.
Kuijpers, M. (Speaker)
18 Jun 2019Activity: Talk or presentation types › Talk or presentation (not at a conference) › Professional
Leven lang ontwikkelen vanuit een loopbaanperspectief
Kuijpers, M. (Speaker)
25 Jan 2019Activity: Talk or presentation types › Talk or presentation (not at a conference) › Academic
Toekomstbestendig onderwijs
Kuijpers, M. (Invited speaker)
16 Sept 2019Activity: Talk or presentation types › Talk or presentation (not at a conference) › Professional
Motivatie, spel en personalisering van onderwijs. Masterclass voor Professionaliseringspalet
Martens, R. (Invited speaker)
14 Feb 2019Activity: Talk or presentation types › Talk or presentation (not at a conference) › Professional
Predicting & resolving non-completion in higher (online)education - a systematic literature review
Delnoij, L. (Speaker)
23 May 2019Activity: Talk or presentation types › Talk or presentation (not at a conference) › Academic
Studeren bij de OU Self-Assessment (sOUsa)
Delnoij, L. (Speaker)
14 Nov 2019Activity: Talk or presentation types › Talk or presentation (not at a conference) › Professional
Ensuring Learning Continuity Everywhere: Seamless Learning in the Netherlands
Rusman, E. (Speaker)
18 Sept 2019Activity: Talk or presentation types › Conference contribution (without a publication) › Academic
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Seeking support, seeking challenges or something else? - The case of a student-driven ecosystem of Facebook groups as 'third space' at a distance learning university
Verjans, S. (Speaker) & Rajagopal, K. (Speaker)
3 Sept 2019Activity: Talk or presentation types › Talk or presentation (not at a conference) › Academic
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Perspectieven op LOB
Kuijpers, M. (Speaker)
21 Mar 2019Activity: Talk or presentation types › Talk or presentation (not at a conference) › Professional
Kansrijke samenwerking vmbo-mbo
Kuijpers, M. (Speaker)
28 May 2019Activity: Talk or presentation types › Conference contribution (without a publication) › Professional
Eye tracking in onderwijskundig onderzoek: hoe kijkgedrag bij feedback inzicht geeft in leerprocessen
Dirkx, K. (Speaker), Bouwer, R. (Speaker), Spek, M.-J. (Speaker) & Lousberg, L. (Speaker)
Jun 2019Activity: Talk or presentation types › Talk or presentation (not at a conference) › Academic
Study protocol for a RCT on the effectiveness of Active Plus, a computer-tailored physical activity intervention, on the cognition functioning of elderly with chronic conditions
Volders, E. (Speaker), Bolman, C. (Speaker), de Groot, R. (Speaker) & Lechner, L. (Speaker)
5 Jun 2019Activity: Talk or presentation types › Talk or presentation (not at a conference) › Academic
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The Quality Reference Framework (QRF) based on QMQS findings
Stracke, C. M. (Invited speaker)
9 Jul 2019Activity: Talk or presentation types › Conference contribution (without a publication) › Academic
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Zes stappen naar Loopbaangericht opleiden
Kuijpers, M. (Speaker)
14 Feb 2019Activity: Talk or presentation types › Conference contribution (without a publication) › Academic
Het analyseren van concept-maps in BrainWeaver: ben ik te volgen?
Hagedoorn, M. (Speaker), Bouwmans, M. (Speaker) & de Bruijn, E. (Speaker)
21 Nov 2019Activity: Talk or presentation types › Conference contribution (without a publication) › Professional
Predicting knowledge gain during multimodal Web search by means of query and navigation logs.
Kammerer, Y. (Speaker)
2019Activity: Talk or presentation types › Talk or presentation (not at a conference) › Academic
Get Inspiration for Scalable Design in Open Online Education
Kasch, J. (Speaker), van Rosmalen, P. (Speaker) & Kalz, M. (Speaker)
16 Aug 2019Activity: Talk or presentation types › Talk or presentation (not at a conference) › Academic
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De ontwikkeling van complexe vaardigheden door middel van video-beoordelingsrubrieken in de formatieve assessment ondersteunende Viewbrics-app
Ackermans, K. (Speaker), Rusman, E. (Speaker), Nadolski, R. (Speaker), Specht, M. (Speaker) & Brand - Gruwel, S. (Speaker)
27 Jun 2019Activity: Talk or presentation types › Talk or presentation (not at a conference) › Academic
Goal setting and striving in MOOCs : A peek inside the black box of learner behaviour
Henderikx, M. (Speaker) & Kalz, M. (Speaker)
21 May 2019Activity: Talk or presentation types › Talk or presentation (not at a conference) › Academic
Leve het Onderwijs!
Martens, R. (Organiser)
31 Oct 2019Activity: Attending or organising an event types › Organising an event › Professional
The Fifteenth EATEL Summer School on Technology Enhanced Learning 2019
Di Mitri, D. (Organiser)
1 Jun 2019 → 7 Jun 2019Activity: Attending or organising an event types › Organising an event › Academic
E-Assessment conference
Henderikx, M. (Organiser)
17 May 2019Activity: Attending or organising an event types › Organising an event › Academic
Onderwijs research dagen
Delnoij, L. (Participant / Attendee), Dirkx, K. (Participant / Attendee), Janssen, J. (Participant / Attendee) & Martens, R. (Participant / Attendee)
28 Jun 2019Activity: Attending or organising an event types › Attending an event › Academic
Challenges in data literacy
Kelly, A. (Panel member), Schophuizen, M. (Panel member), Swart, J. (Panel member) & Inel, O. (Panel member)
26 Nov 2019Activity: Talk or presentation types › Conference contribution (without a publication) › Academic
De ontwikkeling van de onderzoekende houding in lerarennetwerken
Vrieling - Teunter, E. (Speaker), Bakx, A. (Speaker) & Wopereis, I. (Speaker)
27 Jun 2019Activity: Talk or presentation types › Conference contribution (without a publication) › Academic
Velon Tijdschrift voor lerarenopleiders (Journal)
Vrieling - Teunter, E. (Editor)
2019Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work types › Editorial work journal › Academic
Measuring professional growth in teacher learning groups
Vrieling - Teunter, E. (Speaker), Bakx, A. (Speaker), Diepstraten, I. (Speaker) & Wopereis, I. (Speaker)
27 Nov 2019Activity: Talk or presentation types › Talk or presentation (not at a conference) › Academic
Developing an inquisitive attitude in teacher learning groups
Vrieling - Teunter, E. (Speaker), Bakx, A. (Speaker) & Wopereis, I. (Speaker)
27 Nov 2019Activity: Talk or presentation types › Talk or presentation (not at a conference) › Academic
Velon Tijdschrift voor lerarenopleiders (Journal)
Vrieling - Teunter, E. (Editor)
8 Feb 2019Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work types › Editorial work journal › Academic
Het Wiebelkinderen Onderzoek naar Betere Breinprestaties en LeerEffecten: Preliminaire resultaten
van der Wurff, I. (Speaker), Meijs, C. (Speaker), Resch, C. (Speaker), Hurks, P. (Speaker) & de Groot, R. (Speaker)
27 Jun 2019Activity: Talk or presentation types › Talk or presentation (not at a conference) › Academic
A systematic literature review on the relation between dietary patterns and the risk or incidence of depression among adults: results of the Food4Thought review study.
Oenema, A. (Speaker), de Ruijter, D. (Speaker), Vingerhoets, C. (Speaker), van der Wurff, I. (Speaker), Köhler, S. (Speaker) & Mulkens, S. (Speaker)
23 Oct 2019Activity: Talk or presentation types › Talk or presentation (not at a conference) › Academic
A systematic literature review on the influence of prenatal and childhood nutrition on the development and endurance mental health issues in childhood: results of the Food4Thought review study
van der Wurff, I. (Speaker), Oenema, A. (Speaker), de Ruijter, D. (Speaker), Vingerhoets, C. (Speaker) & de Groot, R. (Speaker)
23 Oct 2019Activity: Talk or presentation types › Talk or presentation (not at a conference) › Academic
Multimodal data for Deliberate practice
Limbu, B. (Speaker), Jarodzka, H. (Speaker), Klemke, R. (Speaker) & Specht, M. (Speaker)
12 Aug 2019 → 19 Aug 2019Activity: Talk or presentation types › Talk or presentation (not at a conference) › Academic
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Gamifire - A Scalable, Platform-Independent Infrastructure for Meaningful Gamification of MOOCs
Klemke, R. (Speaker), Antonaci, A. (Speaker) & Limbu, B. (Speaker)
27 Nov 2019 → 29 Nov 2019Activity: Talk or presentation types › Talk or presentation (not at a conference) › Academic
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Extend your playground: Mixed-Reality Games for Learning
Klemke, R. (Speaker)
7 May 2019Activity: Talk or presentation types › Talk or presentation (not at a conference) › Academic
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De biologie van goed presteren. [The biology of good performance].
Gijselaers, J. (Speaker)
21 Jan 2019Activity: Talk or presentation types › Talk or presentation (not at a conference) › Academic
Versnellingsplan Onderwijsinnovatie met ICT: Faciliteren en professionaliseren van docenten.
Wopereis, I. (Speaker), Schildkamp, K. (Speaker), Spruit, R. (Speaker) & Kat-De Jong, M. (Speaker)
20 Nov 2019Activity: Talk or presentation types › Talk or presentation (not at a conference) › Professional
Guidelines for effective use of formative tests in the classroom
Dirkx, K. (Speaker), Joosten - ten Brinke, D. (Speaker) & Camp, G. (Speaker)
16 Aug 2019Activity: Talk or presentation types › Talk or presentation (not at a conference) › Academic
Maak jezelf niets wijs bij het studeren.
Camp, G. (Invited speaker)
21 Nov 2019Activity: Talk or presentation types › Conference contribution (without a publication) › Professional
Wijze lessen in het hoger onderwijs
Camp, G. (Speaker)
14 Nov 2019Activity: Talk or presentation types › Talk or presentation (not at a conference) › Academic