- 1 - 50 out of 128 results
Search results
Denis Abels
- Department of Public Law - Full Professor
- Research Program Law in Transition (LIT) - Full Professor
- Research Program Transformative effects of Globalisation and Law (TGL) - Full Professor
Person: Academic
Karianne Albers
- Research Program Law in Transition (LIT) - Associate Professor
- Department of Public Law - Associate professor
Person: Academic
Eduardo Arenas Catalán
- Research Program Law in Transition (LIT) - Lecturer
- Department of Public Law - Lecturer
- Research Program Transformative effects of Globalisation and Law (TGL) - Lecturer
Person: Academic
Marelle Attinger
- Department of Public Law - Senior Lecturer
- Research Program Law in Transition (LIT) - Senior Lecturer
- Research Program Transformative effects of Globalisation and Law (TGL) - Senior Lecturer
Person: Academic
Chris van Balen
- Department of Private Law - Lecturer
- Research Program Law in Transition (LIT) - Lecturer
Person: Academic
Anna Berlee
- Research Program Law in Transition (LIT) - Full Professor
- Department of Private Law - Full Professor
Person: Academic
Marta Borrat Frigola, LLM
- Department of Private Law - Lecturer
- Research Program Law in Transition (LIT) - Lecturer
- Research Program Transformative effects of Globalisation and Law (TGL) - Lecturer
Person: Academic
Jacqueline Broese van Groenou
- Department of Private Law - Lecturer
- Research Program Law in Transition (LIT) - Lecturer
Person: Academic
Rick Bronsema
- Research Program Law in Transition (LIT) - Lecturer
- Department of Public Law - Lecturer
Person: Academic
Hans de Brouwer
- Department of Private Law - Lecturer
- Research Program Law in Transition (LIT) - Lecturer
Person: Academic
Mandy de Bruijn
- Research Program Law in Transition (LIT) - Senior Lecturer
- Department of Public Law - Senior Lecturer
Person: Academic
Jesse Claassen
- Research Program Law in Transition (LIT)
- Department of Public Law - Lecturer
- Research Program Transformative effects of Globalisation and Law (TGL) - Lecturer
Person: Academic
Sien Devriendt
- Department of Public Law - Lecturer
- Research Program Law in Transition (LIT) - Lecturer
- Research Program Transformative effects of Globalisation and Law (TGL) - Lecturer
Person: Academic
Esther Diederen
- Department of Public Law - Lecturer
- Research Program Law in Transition (LIT) - Lecturer
- Research Program Transformative effects of Globalisation and Law (TGL) - Lecturer
Person: Academic
Jasper Doomen
- Research Program Law in Transition (LIT) - Senior Lecturer
- Department of Public Law - Senior Lecturer
Person: Academic
Laura Drechsler
- Department of Private Law - Lecturer
- Research Program Law in Transition (LIT) - Lecturer
Person: Academic
Wilma Dreissen
- Research Program Law in Transition (LIT) - Full Professor
- Research Program Transformative effects of Globalisation and Law (TGL) - Full Professor
- Department of Public Law - Full Professor
Person: Academic
Jasper Ebbinga
- Research Program Law in Transition (LIT) - Senior Lecturer
- Department of Private Law - Senior Lecturer
Person: Academic
Anka Ernes
- Research Program Law in Transition (LIT) - Full Professor
- Department of Private Law - Full Professor
Person: Academic
Wendy Guns
- Research Program Law in Transition (LIT) - Lecturer
- Research Program Transformative effects of Globalisation and Law (TGL) - Lecturer
- Department of Public Law - Lecturer
Person: Academic
Yosri Hafez
- Research Program Law in Transition (LIT) - Lecturer
- Department of Private Law - Lecturer
Person: Academic
Ellen Hardy
- Department of Public Law - Senior Lecturer
- Research Program Law in Transition (LIT) - Senior Lecturer
Person: Academic
Andreas Häuselmann, LLM
- Department of Private Law - Lecturer
- Research Program Law in Transition (LIT) - Lecturer
Person: Academic
Donald Hellegers
- Research Program Law in Transition (LIT) - Senior Lecturer
- Department of Private Law - Senior Lecturer
Person: Academic
Marc Hendrikse
- Research Program Law in Transition (LIT) - Full Professor
- Research Program Transformative effects of Globalisation and Law (TGL) - Full Professor
- Department of Private Law - Full Professor
Person: Academic
Tom Herrenberg
- Research Program Law in Transition (LIT) - Lecturer
- Research Program Transformative effects of Globalisation and Law (TGL) - Lecturer
- Department of Public Law - Lecturer
Person: Academic
Eefke Huisman
- Department of Private Law - Researcher
- Research Program Law in Transition (LIT) - Researcher
Person: Academic