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BGG: BlueGreen Governance
Beunen, R. (Project lead), Mafaziya Nijamdeen, F. (Project team member) & Löhr, A. (Project team member)
1/01/24 → 31/12/27
Project: Research
'Help! How do I study effectively?': How to implement a self-learning, artificially intelligent chatbot as a flexible study coach in an online learning environment
Joosten - ten Brinke, D. (PI), Vos, T. (PI), Camp, G. (CoI), van Otterlo, M. (CoI) & Debets, T. (Junior researcher)
1/09/22 → …
Project: Research
Drop by Drop: Facilitating the Energy-saving Behavior of Smart House/Office Inhabitants using AI and Gamification
Klemke, R. (PI), Iren, D. (CoI) & Peters, G.-J. Y. (CoI)
1/07/22 → 1/07/26
Project: Research
Better tools, less conflicts. Value pluralism and social learning for better biodiversity decisions
Huitema, D. (PI), Krikke, H. (CoI), Hugé, J. (CoI), Neuteleers, S. (CoI) & Arredondo Cereceda, M. (Junior researcher)
15/05/22 → …
Project: Research
Playground Heroes: An educational program for primary school pupils to understand and recognize racism and to intervene in racist-based bullying situations
Bos, A. (PI), Blok, G. (CoI), Willems, R. (CoI), van Lankveld, G. (CoI), de Bruijn, P. (CoI), Maria, S. (CoI), Völlink, T. (CoI), Dehue, F. (CoI) & Aduful, K. (Junior researcher)
1/05/22 → 1/05/26
Project: PhD project
The impact of big data and predictive analytics on patient agility in hospitals
Broekharst, D. (Project lead), Helms, R. (PI), Roijakkers, N. (PI), van de Wetering, R. (CoI) & Ooms, W. (CoI)
1/03/22 → 1/03/26
Project: Research
Innovating digital assessment-effective use of multimedia
Jarodzka, H. (PI), Janssen, J. (Supervisor), Pat El, R. (Co-supervisor), Joosten - ten Brinke, D. (CoI), Kirschner, P. (CoI), Hendriks, V. (CoI) & Kerckhoffs, A. (Junior researcher)
1/02/22 → 28/02/26
Project: PhD project
Social learning and the climate crisis. Small-scale food production as an inspiration for a sustainable global food supply chain?
Huitema, D. (PI), Semeijn, J. (CoI), Hugé, J. (CoI), Lambrechts, W. (CoI), Vita Garza, G. (CoI) & Batkai, M. (Junior researcher)
1/12/21 → 1/12/25
Project: PhD project
RISGM: Resilient Information Security Governance & Management
Kusters, R. (PI), R.J. Blomme, R. J. (Supervisor), Huygh, T. (Co-supervisor), Bollen, L. (Co-supervisor) & Nodehi, S. (Junior researcher)
1/12/21 → 30/11/25
Project: PhD project
NWO - RISTEK-BRIN Resilient Indonesian Slums Envisioned (RISE) programme
de Jong, E. B. P. (PI) & Löhr, A. (CoPI)
1/10/21 → 30/09/25
Project: Research
Improving financial literacy among small business owners: A theory and evidence-based approach to enhancing financial resilience of small businesses
Frijns, B. (PI), Kreijns, K. (PI), Peters, G.-J. Y. (PI) & Derkx, S. (PI)
1/10/21 → 30/09/25
Project: PhD project
Adoption of digital communication technology by vulnerable citizens in urban areas
Bolman, C. (PI), Lechner, L. (CoI), Dohmen, D. (CoI), Blok, G. (CoI), Hommersom, A. (CoI), Strikwerda, L. (CoI) & Hengst, T. (Junior researcher)
1/10/21 → …
Project: Research
Sense the classroom: AI-supported synchronous online education for a resilient new normal
Klemke, R. (PI), Iren, D. (CoI) & Urlings, C. (PI)
1/09/21 → 31/08/25
Project: Research
Burnout’s Lessons in Resilience and Sustainable Development from a Multidisciplinary Perspective
De Mul, S. (PI), Semeijn, J. (PI), Proost, K. (CoI) & Verhoeven, C. (Junior researcher)
1/09/21 → 1/09/26
Project: PhD project
Toward a safe and resilient city: Investigating the dynamics of police-bystander conflicts using advanced technologies
van Dam, K. (PI), Proost, K. (CoI), van Dijke, R. (CoI), Malsch, M. (CoI), Maathuis, C. (CoI), van Vuuren, T. (CoI), Rosegaard, M. (CoI), Kamphuis, W. (CoI), Delahaij, R. (CoI) & van Bruchem, M. (Junior researcher)
1/06/21 → 1/06/25
Project: PhD project
MinPlas: Minimizing the environmental impact of (micro)plastics by integrated modelling of supply and source-to-impact chains
Ragas, A. (PI), Krikke, H. (CoI), Löhr, A. (CoI), van Wijnen, J. (CoI) & Hoeke, S. (Junior researcher)
1/04/21 → 31/03/26
Project: PhD project
Smart technology use for resilient healthcare: Developing an intervention toolbox to stimulate smart use of electronic health records in hospitals using a multidisciplinary approach
Spronken, M. (PI), de Lange, A. (CoPI), van de Wetering, R. (CoI), Stoffers, J. (CoI), Van Ruysseveldt, J. (CoI), Nieuwenhuis, L. (CoI) & Marcelissen, I. (Junior researcher)
1/03/21 → 28/02/26
Project: PhD project
ISI: Interpersonal Stress Intervention with AI
Henkel, A. (PI), Bromuri, S. (Co-supervisor) & Waelbers, B. (Junior researcher)
1/03/21 → 28/02/25
Project: PhD project
10 manieren om studenten te activeren met educatieve video
Ackermans, K. (Project lead) & Jarodzka, H. (PI)
13/01/23 → 1/01/25
Project: Research
The effectiveness of student-centered educational methods for self-regulated learning: What works and for whom?
Neroni, J. (Junior researcher), Vos, S. (Junior researcher), Baars, M. (CoPI) & Wijnia, L. (Project lead)
1/09/22 → 31/08/23
Project: Research
Comeniusbeurs Naar autisme-inclusief onderwijs
Stuurman, S. (Project lead), Alpár, G. (Project team member) & Pannekeet, K. (Project team member)
2/05/22 → 2/10/23
Project: Other
File -
De aard van politiestraatwerk en informatiegebruik
Stol, W. (PI) & Westers, S. (CoI)
1/10/21 → 1/01/23
Project: Research
CRAFTED: Enrich and promote traditional and contemporary crafts
van der Heijden, T. (Project lead)
1/09/21 → 30/06/23
Project: Research
EIFFEL Earth Observation applications for climate change adaptation & mitigation
Lansu, A. (PI), Hage, R. (PI) & Bogatinoska, B. (PI)
1/06/21 → 1/06/24
Project: Research
Professional Development for Digital Teaching and Learning
Klemke, R. (PI), Kelly, A. (PI), Brouns, F. (PI), Wopereis, I. (PI) & Heeroma, N. (PI)
1/04/21 → 31/03/23
Project: Research
CoLoSus: Competences in Logistics and Sustainability. Individual Competences related to Sustainability, Empowerment and Resilience in Logistics
Lambrechts, W. (Project lead), Semeijn, J. (Supervisor), Caniëls, M. C. J. (Supervisor), Klaver, J. (Junior researcher) & Stough, T. (Project team member)
1/12/20 → 30/11/24
Project: Research
Quality-focussed Programming Education
Passier, H. (Project lead) & Vos, T. (Project team member)
1/09/20 → 1/09/23
Project: Other
PV methode: Pe(e)rfect Vaardig: Een online methode voor interactief en praktijkgericht vaardighedenonderwijs in het Hoger Onderwijs via peer feedback en video-verrijkte rubrieken
Rusman, E. (PI), Nadolski, R. (CoI), Eshuis, J. (Project team member), Gruijters, S. (Project team member), Jordaans - Lindeman, A. (Project team member), Slootmaker, A. (Project team member), Kurvers, H. (Project team member), van der Meer, N. (Project team member), Berkhout, J. (Project team member) & Korenhof, M. (Project team member)
1/09/20 → 1/09/22
Project: Other
Politiestraatwerk onder corona
Stol, W. (PI), Strikwerda, L. (CoI), Schreurs, W. (CoI) & Westers, S. (CoI)
1/07/20 → 1/09/21
Project: Research
Stiftelsen GRID-Arendal "Barents Sea Leadership Training on Marine Litter"
Löhr, A. (PI)
22/10/19 → 25/06/22
Project: Other
Imaginaries of the Future City: Envisioning Climate Change and Technological Cityscapes Through Contemporary Speculative Fiction
van Herten, M. (PI), Winkler, M. (PI), Perez Salgado, P. (PI), Adriaensen, B. (Project team member), Jorritsma, J. (Junior researcher), Dekker, S. (Project team member) & Lechner, L. (Project team member)
1/09/19 → 22/10/20
Project: Research
DE-TEL: Doctoral education in Technology-enhanced learning
Klemke, R. (PI), Kelly, A. (PI), Hummel, H. (PI) & Urlings, C. (PI)
1/09/19 → 31/12/22
Project: Research
GONACI: Governing the Narcotic City: imaginaries, practices and discourses of public drug cultures in European cities from 1970 until today
Blok, G. (PI)
1/07/19 → 1/11/22
Project: Research
Co-Adapt: Climate Adaptation Through Co-creation
Lansu, A. (PI), Bogatinoska, B. (CoI), Floor, J. (CoI), Dekker, S. (CoI), van Wijnen, J. (CoI) & Hage, R. (Junior researcher)
1/02/19 → 31/03/23
Project: Research
Tyconstructor: Mini-Games That Foster Entrepreneurial Competence For The Construction Sector
Hummel, H. (PI)
1/10/18 → 1/03/21
Project: Research
Professional Competences for Sustainability and Sustainable Labor Participation
Venn, R. (PI), Perez Salgado, P. (Project lead), van Vuuren, T. (Co-supervisor) & Semeijn, J. (Co-supervisor)
1/09/18 → 1/09/22
Project: Research
The Power of the Prisoner. Agency and Emotions in Nineteenth-Century Dutch Prisons
van der Zande, I. (PI) & Blok, G. (Project lead)
1/09/18 → 3/06/24
Project: PhD project
De WOBBLE Studie: Het Wiebelkinderen Onderzoek naar Betere Breinprestaties en LeerEffecten
Meijs, C. (PI), van der Wurff, I. (CoI), de Groot, R. (CoI), Hurks, P. (CoI) & Resch, C. (CoI)
1/08/18 → 1/11/19
Project: Research
Improving Engagement of Students in Software Engineering Courses through Gamification
Vos, T. (Project lead)
1/03/18 → 1/09/21
Project: Other
TESTOMAT: The Next Level of Test Automation
Vos, T. (Project lead), Rodríguez Valdés, O. (Project team member) & Aho, P. (Project team member)
1/10/17 → 31/12/20
Project: Research
Network for future innovation of major competences in vocational education and training in construction
Storm, J. (PI)
1/09/17 → 29/02/20
Project: Research
openVM: Opening Education for Developing, Assessing and Recognising Virtual Mobility Skills in Higher Education
Brouns, F. (PI), Firssova, O. (PI) & Rajagopal, K. (PI)
1/09/17 → 31/08/20
Project: Research
PDTOR: Police Detectives in the TOR network
Stol, W. (PI), Emmen, B. (Junior researcher), De Poot, C. (CoPI), Wilson, T. (PI), Popov, O. (PI) & Sunde, I.-M. (PI)
1/06/17 → 1/01/23
Project: Research
LearnSTEM: Innovative STEM learning in schools
Stracke, C. M. (PI), Van Dijk, G. (CoI), Thoolen, G. (CoI), Kelmelyte, V. (CoI), Daneniene, J. (CoI), Rimkevičė, A. (CoI), Kunigonis, A. (CoI), Spatafora, M. (CoI), Spatafora, A. (CoI), Cotovanu, A. M. (CoI), Lisdat, F. (CoI), Pascoal, A. (CoI), Baltazar, R. (CoI), Barreiros, A. (PI), Simoens, W. (CoI) & Desutter, J. (CoI)
1/01/17 → 31/12/19
Project: Research
WinAPP: Work process oriented, interactively enhanced and APP supported learning and training in construction VET in Europe
Storm, J. (PI)
1/10/16 → 1/10/18
Project: Research