I am a Full Professor of Culture, Innovation and Communication at the Faculty of Humanities. My research links two pertinent societal developments – (i) population ageing, including the challenges it allegedly poses for care and health systems, and (ii) technological change, including the push towards more interactive and “smarter” technologies. In simple terms, one could say I study what population ageing means for the way we organise and direct technology and innovation, and, vice versa, how technology and innovation have come to shape how we age and how we imagine the future of health and care.
My work has expanded the usual drive in this area to think of technologies as interventions, and has developed instead a unique line of research that thinks of ageing, care and health as being co-constituted with technology (Peine and Neven
2020). In other words, I research the social, infrastructural, cultural and material forces through which ageing, care, health and technology shape each other. To do so, I like to combine the theoretical depth of Science and Technology Studies (STS) with other, more activist and impact oriented disciplines like social gerontology or Age Studies, to research human-technology encounters in the muddled realities of everyday practices across a wide range of socio-material worlds – including
robotics design labs,
user involvement in the development of personal health systems, the
manufacturing of electrical bikes,
early diagnostics of Alzheimer’s disease,
DIY Gerontechnologies,
everyday practices of smartphone uses or the
Silver Economy discourse. I also frequently collaborate with partners in engineering, industry and policy to explore how fine-grained, qualitative insights can help improve responsible innovation and participatory practices.
My research is at the core of an emerging new academic field and community of scholars — the Socio-gerontechnology Network — which I have co-founded and that is internationally recognised for its strong social sciences and humanities voice (SSH) in relation to pertinent societal challenges like population ageing, the alleged crisis of care systems, and the transformation towards digital health, and how they intersect with technology and innovation.