Activities per year
- 4 results
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Barriers and facilitators perceived by stakeholders regarding the implementation of physical activity interventions for people aged over 50
Kroes - Peels, D. (Speaker), Boekhout - Oppeneer, J. (Speaker) & Hut, H. G. (Speaker)
12 Sept 2023Activity: Talk or presentation types › Conference contribution (without a publication) › Academic
Evaluation of a multifaceted implementation plan for a computer-tailored physical activity intervention: a mixed methods study
Kroes - Peels, D. (Speaker), Boekhout - Oppeneer, J. (Speaker), Van Nassau, F. (Speaker), Lechner, L. (Speaker), Bolman, C. (Speaker) & Berendsen, B. (Speaker)
11 Sept 2023Activity: Talk or presentation types › Conference contribution (without a publication) › Academic
Mobility limitations affect the association between physical activity and loneliness
Boekhout - Oppeneer, J. (Invited speaker), Berendsen, B. (Invited speaker), Kroes - Peels, D. (Invited speaker), Bolman, C. A. (Invited speaker) & Lechner, L. (Invited speaker)
6 Jun 2019Activity: Talk or presentation types › Conference contribution (without a publication) › Academic
Praktijksessie: Zo krijg je ouderen in beweging - Actief Plus
Kroes - Peels, D. (Invited speaker)
27 Nov 2019Activity: Talk or presentation types › Conference contribution (without a publication) › Professional