Activities per year
- 6 results
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Accessibility of mental health care for deaf and hard-of-hearing people: perspectives of caregivers and users
Willems, R. (Speaker)
5 Sept 2023Activity: Talk or presentation types › Conference contribution (without a publication) › Academic
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GATE-BULL: Using a GAmes approach to TEach children about prejudice-based BULLying
Willems, R. (Speaker)
30 Mar 2023Activity: Talk or presentation types › Conference contribution (without a publication) › Academic
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Reducing self-stigma in people living with HIV in the Netherlands: Preliminary results of the RESET-intervention
Willems, R. (Speaker)
7 Sept 2023Activity: Talk or presentation types › Conference contribution (without a publication) › Academic
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GATE-BULL: Educatieve game en lesmateriaal om pesten op basis van vooroordelen bespreekbaar te maken in de klas
Willems, R. (Invited speaker)
3 Feb 2020Activity: Talk or presentation types › Conference contribution (without a publication) › Professional
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De Kanker Nazorg Wijzer: Online advies op maat bij herstel na kanker
Willems, R. (Speaker), Roomans - Kanera, I. (Speaker), Beaulen, A. (Speaker), Bolman, C. (Speaker), Mesters, I. (Speaker) & Lechner, L. (Speaker)
11 Apr 2014Activity: Talk or presentation types › Conference contribution (without a publication) › Academic
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De Kanker Nazorg Wijzer: Online advies op maat bij herstel na kanker
Willems, R. (Speaker), Roomans - Kanera, I. (Speaker), Beaulen, A. (Speaker), Bolman, C. (Speaker), Mesters, I. (Speaker) & Lechner, L. (Speaker)
9 Oct 2013Activity: Talk or presentation types › Talk or presentation (not at a conference) › Academic