1st Henry G. Schermers Fellow (1 September 2008 – 31 January 2009).
Output: draft of Rule of law: a guide for politicians (translated into 25 languages:https://rwi.lu.se/publications/rule-law-guide-politicians/
The Guide, Rule of Law: A guide for politicians, was inspired by discussions within the InterAction Council of Former Heads of State and Government. The process of preparing the material was initiated and supervised by the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law at Lund University, Sweden, and the Hague Institute for the Internationalisation of Law (HiiL), the Netherlands.
The first draft of the Guide was authored by Dr Ronald Janse, head, rule of law programme, at HiiL, during the Henry G. Schermers Fellowship at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Further work was then performed within the two supervisory Institutes. The material was then reviewed by members of the InterAction Council and representatives of the Inter-Parliamentary Union. Valuable comments were also received from individual experts. The final review was made by Dr Hans Corell, at the time Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Raoul Wallenberg Institute and former Legal Counsel of the United Nations.
Awarded date
Degree of recognition
Granting Organisations
NIAS Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences