A comparison of three open universities and their acceptance of technology enhanced learning

Chris Jones, Kumiko Aoki, Ellen Rusman, Kathleen Schlusmans

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperAcademic

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    We compare three open universities the Open Universities in the UK (OUUK), the Netherlands (OUNL) and Japan (OUJ). Originating in the modern idea of an Open University each university has developed its own pedagogical model. The OUUK developed Supported Open Learning based on: 1. Distance open learning: allowing ‘learning in your own time’ working on set activities and assignments. 2. Quality resources: printed materials, set books, audio and video and home experiments. 3. Systematic support: provided by course tutors, a regional network of centers, central library and technical support. The OUNL offers ‘supported independent open learning’. Students study at their own time, pace and place. There are no semesters, academic years or student cohorts. Courses are small and most support is built into the materials. OUJ has used television and radio broadcasting for instruction. In addition OUJ uses textbooks, guidance by correspondence, and classes at one of 50 local study centres. Tutor support is not part of the pedagogic model though individualized tutorials are given at the final stage of the student's course of study. Having described and compared these we examine how these models have responded to the emergence of Internet technologies including Web 2.0 and national circumstances.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 10 Dec 2009


    • distance education
    • open university
    • technology enhanced learning


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