A framework for studying teacher learning by design

Joke Voogt, Susan McKenney, Fred Janssen, Amanda Berry, Wendy Kicken, Fer Coenders

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperAcademic

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    Increasingly, teacher involvement in curriculum (re-)design is viewed as a form of professional development. However, the research base for this stance is limited. While it is assumed that the activities teachers undertake during (re-)design of curriculum materials can be beneficial, few studies involving teachers (re-)designing curriculum design measure more than effects of this activity on teacher attitudes, the quality of the designed artifacts, and/or implementation of the curriculum innovation at hand. One reason for this could be the lack of theoretical framing for robust studies on teacher learning by design. Toward supporting future research on the benefits and limitations of this approach as a form of professional development, this paper offers a framework that could be used to explore teacher learning through engagement in collaborative design teams.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 27 Dec 2012
    EventTeachers as Designers of Technology Enhanced Learning: pre-conference workshop - Sydney, Australia
    Duration: 2 Jul 20126 Jul 2012


    WorkshopTeachers as Designers of Technology Enhanced Learning
    Internet address


    • design
    • teachers


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