A model for classroom management activities

P.C. Van der Sijde, W Tomic

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    Most studies on classroom management address the issue of restoring classroom order. Kounin (1970) describes several ‘techniques’ that distinguish good from poor classroom managers: ‘overlapping’, ‘withitness’, ‘learner responsibility’, ‘group focus’, and ‘momentum.’ Starting out from Kounin’s concept a model for classroom management activities is developed and tested. Study 1 investigates the iterrelatedness of the two key concepts in the model (‘overlapping’ and ‘withitness’). These concepts are strongly correlated. Based on this model a brief training program was designed. Study 2 reports the effects of the training program on teacher behaviour. Study 3 reports the effect of this training program comparing two conditions: one group of teachers participating in the training program, and a control group not participating in the training program. The results of the studies show that the overall effects of the training program are small; some are significant.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)439-449
    Number of pages11
    Issue number3
    Publication statusPublished - 1993


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