A network analysis of blended learning: Perceived causal relations between use of learning resources, regulation strategies and course performance

Nynke Bos, Bren Meijer, Saskia Brand-Gruwel

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperAcademic


    Blended learning is often associated with student-oriented learning in which students have more control over the learning path, which will stimulate self-regulated and deeper learning. Although the perceived value of blended learning is clear, less is known if and how blended learning contributes to better course performance. Current research often uses (multiple) linear regression to determine the effect of blended learning although in practice education in not a linear process. In the current paper we present a novel technique to establish the intertwined relationship between the use of (digital) learning resources, regulation strategies and course performance in a blended learning setting. Current research visualizes indirect relationships between the use of (digital) learning resources and course performance. Moreover, it shows that centrality of nodes-determinant for course performance-differs considerably between courses.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - Jul 2016
    EventSIG 4 "The Higher Education Conference - Ämsterdam University of Applied Sciences, Amsterdam, Netherlands
    Duration: 13 Jul 201615 Jul 2016


    ConferenceSIG 4 "The Higher Education Conference
    Abbreviated titleHEC2016
    Internet address


    • blended learning
    • regulation strategies
    • learning analytics


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