Acquiring 21st Century Skills: gaining insight in the design and applicability of a serious game with 4C-ID

Peter Van Rosmalen, Elizabeth Boyle, R. Nadolski, John Van der Baaren, Baltasar Fernández-Manjón, Ewan MacArthur, Tiina Pennanen, Madalina Manea, Kam Star

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference Article in proceedingAcademicpeer-review

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    Despite the growth of interest in serious games, there is little systematic guidance on how to assure a game fits the instruction required. Game design frameworks are still under development and do not help to articulate the educational merits of a game to a teacher nor fit with their background. In this paper we discuss the results of a GaLA workshop which examined how a widely applied instructional design model, 4C-ID, can ease the uptake of serious games by offering teachers a model fitting their background to assess games on the applicability for their learning contexts. The paper will introduce the 4C-ID model and its use in the CHERMUG project with the design of mini-games for research methods and statistics. Next, we will discuss how workshop participants used the 4C-ID model to evaluate two games on their applicability for a given learning context. The participants indicated that the approach can support teachers in deciding if and how to use a given serious game.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationGames and Learning Allience
    Subtitle of host publicationSecond International Conference, GALA 2013
    EditorsAlessandro De Gloria
    Place of PublicationCham
    ISBN (Electronic)978-3-319-12157-4
    ISBN (Print)978-3-319-12156-7
    Publication statusPublished - 16 Dec 2014

    Publication series

    SeriesLecture Notes in Computer Science


    • serious games
    • game design
    • instructional design
    • 4C-ID
    • Cognitive Task Analysis
    • research methods and statistics


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