Adult Learning Open University Determinants study: Psychological determinants of study success

Joyce Neroni, Renate De Groot, Paul A. Kirschner

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperAcademic

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    As our current knowledge society is changing very rapidly, aging of knowledge and skills is going faster. To keep up with these developments, it is important being able to learn on a higher age. Factors playing a significant role in being a successful learner can have psychological origins. The association between psychological factors and academic performance is well established for children, adolescents, and college students in traditional education. However, evidence of associations between these factors and study success for adult students in distance education is lacking. In the present study, the association between several psychological factors (e.g. affect, test anxiety, goal orientation, learning strategies) and study success for adult students in distance education are investigated. Approximately 2000 students of the Open University will participate in this large longitudinal study, by filling out an online questionnaire and three online neuropsychological tests at baseline. There will be a follow up after six and twelve months. Data collection of baseline takes place September 2012 till September 2013. During EARLI 2013 preliminary results will be shown. The results of this study may provide insight into factors associated with study success in adult students. Based on these results effective learning strategies can be developed in order to optimize the current curriculum.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages4
    Publication statusPublished - 30 Aug 2013
    Event15th Biennial Conference EARLI 2013: Responsible Teaching and Sustainable Learning - TUM School of Education, Munich, Germany
    Duration: 27 Aug 201331 Aug 2013


    Conference15th Biennial Conference EARLI 2013
    Abbreviated titleEARLI 2013
    Internet address


    • psychological factors
    • distance education
    • study success
    • goal orientation


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