An Efficient and Flexible Technical Approach to Develop and Deliver Online Peer Assessment

Yongwu Miao, Rob Koper

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperAcademic

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    Peer assessment is a special form of collaborative learning, in which peer students learn through assessing others’ work. Recently, the design of collaboration scripts is a new focus area within the CSCL community. In this paper, we present a method based on open e-learning standards to script peer assessment processes. A standard-compatible tool can help users to script various forms of peer assessment in a machine-interpretable form. Such peer assessment scripts then can be executed on today’s open technical e-learning infrastructure. In comparison with typical software development approaches to support online peer assessment, this technical approach is more efficient and flexible.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2006


    • peer assessment
    • IMS QTI
    • IMS LD
    • process modelling
    • collaborative learning


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