An implementation architecture for scenario-based simulations

Raja Lala, J.T. Jeuring, Jordy Van Dortmont

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference Article in proceedingAcademicpeer-review

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The past years have witnessed an increased use of applied games for developing and evaluating communication skills. These skills benefit from in-terpersonal interactions. Providing feedback to students practicing communica-tion skills is difficult in a traditional class setting with one teacher and many students. This logistic challenge may be partly overcome by providing training using a simulation in which a student practices with communication scenarios. A scenario is a description of a series of interactions, where at each step the player is faced with a choice. We have developed a scenario editor that enables teachers to develop scenarios for practicing communication skills. A teacher can develop a scenario without knowledge of the implementation. This paper presents the implementation architecture for such a scenario-based simulation.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationIntelligent Tutoring Systems
Subtitle of host publication13th International Conference, ITS 2016
EditorsAlessandro Micarelli, John Stamper, Kitty Panourgia
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2016
EventIntelligent Tutoring Systems: 13th International Conference, ITS 2016 - Zagreb, Croatia
Duration: 7 Jun 201610 Jun 2016

Publication series

SeriesLecture Notes in Computer Science


ConferenceIntelligent Tutoring Systems
Abbreviated titleITS 2016
Internet address


  • communication skill
  • implementation architecture
  • communication scenario
  • scenario editor
  • scenario based simulation
  • authoring tool


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