Assessing sustainability of software: analysing correctness, memory and energy consumption. Analysing correctness, memory and energy consumption

B.E. van Gastel

Research output: ThesisDoctoral ThesisThesis 1: fully internal

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Many aspects of modern life depend on, and are controlled by, software. Almost every modern device contains software. Because we heavily depend on these devices, it is important to asses the sustainability of software running on these devices. We defne sustainable software as correct software with a relatively low energy consumption.
If software demonstrates erroneous behaviour, undesirable effects can occur. This can impact users and the environment heavily. Limited memory usage is important for the correct working of software, especially in devices one uses daily. Erroneously behaving software and devices running the software can be expensive, in terms of maintenance, keeping the device active or replacing the device altogether. To avoid wasting resources, we consider correctness a prerequisite of sustainable software.
The second aspect of sustainable software is energy usage. As traditionally many energy savings did occur in the hardware side of a computer, energy consumption is a blind spot when developing software. However, recently the advancement in these hardware savings has lost its pace. At the same time, it becomes more and more clear that software has a huge impact on the behaviour and the properties of devices it runs on. Software is in control of the device and its energy consumption.
Small effects are aggravated at large scale. The combination of many individual negative effects can affect our society at large. If devices that are present in large quantities in our society all exhibit the same negative behaviour, it can impact public utilities and our economy.
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Open Universiteit: faculties and services
  • van Eekelen, Marko, Supervisor
Award date28 Oct 2016
Place of PublicationHeerlen
Publication statusPublished - 28 Oct 2016


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