Basic model of the EML

Arjan Loeffen, Jocelyn Manderveld, Rob Koper, Hubert Vogten, Marc Verhooren

    Research output: Working paper / PreprintWorking paperAcademic

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    The following sections describe the UML classes that represent the core structures of EML. In the following sections they are introduced using UML class diagrams. In the text descriptions, a class (property) is referenced by a name prefixed by underscore, e.g. _class and The EML structure is centered around the concept of a 'play'. Most of the components are named after the elements in the EML specification; some have been added to model implied constructs, such as 'task', and others have received a more explicit name, such as 'property'. This however does not alter the fundamental mapping of the EML to the model presented.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 7 Jul 2002


    • EML
    • UML Class diagram
    • play diagram
    • Object diagram
    • questionnaire diagram
    • dossier diagram
    • Activity logger
    • calculation diagram
    • textual diagram
    • inline diagram
    • CALS talbe diagram


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