Beautiful JavaScript: How to create good and elegant code

Research output: Book/ReportTechnical reportAcademic


Programming is a complex task, which needs supportive as well as procedural information. Within the eld of Computer Science,
there are few examples of procedural information that guide a programmer in how to proceed while solving a problem.We developed such guidelines for programming tasks in JavaScript. We assume foreknowledge of programming in an object oriented language such as Java.
In this report, we show how one can develop elegant code in JavaScript, by giving a set of guidelines, and by advising a process of repeated refactoring until a program fulfills all requirements. To show that these guidelines work, we describe the development of a generic module for clientside form validation. The process followed and the resulting module both are valuable. It shows and explains precisely how such a module can be developed by following our guidelines, step by step. The resulting module for form validation satisfies general principles as readability, re usability and extendibility.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherOpen Universiteit Nederland
Number of pages26
Publication statusPublished - 11 May 2015


  • Javascrip
  • Client-side
  • Programming
  • Refactoring
  • Procedural guidance


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