Being (like) a Leader. Essays on the Effects of Leader Identity through a Social Identity Lens

Research output: ThesisDoctoral ThesisThesis 3: defended at external organisation, OU employee


Extensive research has been conducted in the past twenty years on the importance of leader identity for individuals both in and outside of leadership positions. Such research largely emphasizes the benefits of having or developing a leader identity, highlighting its positive effects on individuals’ leadership development, behavior, and performance. While research on the advantages of leadership identity is crucial, earlier studies largely overlook the possible drawbacks of having a leadership identity (both in and outside of leadership positions) and the disadvantages of lacking a leadership identity when leadership is expected (e.g., for those in leadership positions). Lien Desmet's research builds on prior insights and employs a social identity lens to investigate three research questions related to the outcomes of leader identity. These research questions focus on (1) individuals in a managerial position without a leader identity, (2) individuals in a managerial position with a salient leader identity, and (3) individuals with a salient leader identity who aspire to advance to a managerial position.
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • KU Leuven
  • De Stobbeleir, Katleen, Supervisor, External person
  • Buyens, Dirk, Co-supervisor, External person
  • Ashford, Sue, Advisor, External person
  • Van den Broeck, Anja, Advisor, External person
  • De Vos, Ans, Advisor, External person
Award date29 Jun 2023
Publication statusPublished - 2023


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