Bootcamp EMMA MOOC Assessment for learning in practice

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractAcademic

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    Formative assessment or assessment for learning is a relevant theme for teachers and educationalists. Formative assessment is a valuable tool for supporting the learning process. It is applied during learning and offers you more and better opportunities to guide your students. Formative assessment allows for more individual and/or personalised guidance. In this MOOC Assessment for learning in practice we will provide you with theory and guidelines for knowledge construction on the topic of formative assessment while offering support in designing assessments that can be applied as a tool for learning and training of competences. In this MOOC you can learn what formative assessment is, learn to differentiate between summative and formative assessment, and how formative assessment can contribute to the learning of your pupils or students. Design of rubrics, the role and functions of feedback, the use of technology for formative assessment are the topics of the MOOC.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Jun 2016
    EventEDEN 2016 Annual Conference - Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest, Hungary
    Duration: 14 Jun 201617 Jun 2016


    ConferenceEDEN 2016 Annual Conference
    Internet address


    • EMMA
    • MOOC
    • Assessment for learning in practice
    • AfL


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