Bridging the gap between instructional design and double loop learning

Howard Spoelstra, Maristella Matera, Ellen Rusman, Jan Van Bruggen, Rob Koper

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperAcademic

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    There seems to be a gap between instructional design, as implemented in workflow-like e-learning sys-tems, and double loop learning, because the former predefines educational processes and the latter as-sumes these processes can be reflected upon and can be modified by the learners. Instructional designs implemented in workflow-like e-learning systems that use modelling standards enable portability of the designs. While maintaining this advantage of portability, the COOPER environment aims to make room for learning reflection and influence as well. We will present a pedagogical scenario called “Virtual Com-pany”, which uses double loop learning extensively, to demonstrate the feasibility of our proposed solu-tion. We provide learners with “atomic actions”, that can be used to create and revise processes “on the fly”, thus enabling double-loop learning.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Nov 2006


    • e-learning
    • atomic actions
    • workflow
    • double loop learning
    • instructional design


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