Bridging the Gap between Instructional Design and Double Loop Learning

Howard Spoelstra, Ellen Rusman, Jan Van Bruggen, Rob Koper, Maristella Matera

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    The implementation of double loop learning based educational scenarios in instructional designs in workflow-like e-learning systems appears to be showing a gap; whereas the former assumes that processes can be reflected upon and can be modified or amended by the learners, the latter only predefines a limited set of rigid instructional processes.. However, an important advantage of instructional designs implemented in workflow-like e-learning systems using modelling standards is the ease with which they can be exchanged with other (educational) institutions. The workflow environment described here aims to make learner reflection and change to instructional processes feasible while maintaining portability. We present a description of the implementation of the pedagogical scenario of the “Virtual Company” in our workflow environment that makes use of dynamic workflow processes. Learners are provided with process building blocks, called “atomic actions” which they can use to create and revise processes “on the fly”, thus supporting double-loop learning.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)79-89
    Number of pages11
    JournalInternational Journal of Web-Based Learning and Teaching Technologies
    Issue number1
    Publication statusPublished - 2008


    • Instructional Design
    • Double Loop Learning
    • Virtual Company
    • Work flow systems


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