Cases of organisational learning in the company B (Belgium): A presentation of four cases of organisational learning in a steam cracker and an exploration of organisational learning

Fernando Pauwels, Joris Van Ruysseveldt

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterAcademicpeer-review

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    In this paper we will first recapitulate our theoretical framework and provide a definition of organisational learning, which will be further expanded on, by making use of a number of criteria, which have been developed by the OrgLearn research consortium. After this short theoretical recapitulation, we will take a short virtual tour through Company B to end up at the steam cracker plant. In a following part, our four cases of organisational learning in the steam cracker will be presented. This paper is structured in such a way that we will first give some background on a case, then discuss the case in detail and conclude by making the link with organisational learning.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationCases of Organisational Learning in European Chemical Companies
    Subtitle of host publicationAn empircal study
    EditorsMartin Fischer , Peter Röben
    PublisherUniversity of Bremen
    Publication statusPublished - 2002

    Publication series

    Series ITB-Arbeitspapiere


    • organisational learning
    • steam cracker
    • chemical industry
    • case study
    • comparative European study
    • employment


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