Changing teaching for better learning

W. Tomic, P.C. van der Sijde

    Research output: Book/ReportBookProfessional

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    What is it that teachers do that leads to student learning? How can we increase students' achievement and improve their attitudes? In order to improve the quality of education the authors focus on teaching/learning processes taking place in the traditional classroom situations. The study reported is the Dutch contribution to the IEA Classroom Environment Study: Teaching for learning, whose general objective is to identify alterable teaching behaviors that correlate with desirable cognitive and affective student learning outcomes, and to develop a training program that will recommend ways of organizing teaching/learning processes. Results show that even a short training course can successfully change the teachers' teaching script, and, subsequently their teaching behavior, which in turn influences student achievement.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationAmsterdam
    PublisherSwets & Zeitlinger
    Number of pages113
    ISBN (Print)9026510195
    Publication statusPublished - 1989


    • education
    • didactics
    • teaching


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