Creating by Reusing Learning Design Solutions

Davinia Hernández-Leo, Andreas Harrer, Juan Manuel Dodero, Juan Asensio-Pérez, Daniel Burgos

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperAcademic


    The widespread adoption of IMS Learning Design (LD) specification supporting actual educational practice largely depends on the fulfillment of an important requirement: teachers should be able to create their own Units of Learning (UoLs). Many of the proposed design processes for creating UoLs are based on the reuse of complete or non-complete learning designs at different levels of granularity. This paper introduces a comparison framework for conceptually analyzing and classifying reusable learning design solutions and processes that drive the creation of a ready-to-run UoL. The framework provides a comprehensible representation of such processes and units of reuse over two dimensions, namely granularity and completeness. It also offers a frame for discussing issues, such as the proper level of reuse, of existing and forthcoming proposals. Finally, it opens the path to other dimensions focused on providing language independence of learning designs.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - Oct 2006


    • IMS Learning Design
    • Unit of Learning
    • Granularity


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