Cross-system log file analysis for hypothesis testing

Christian Glahn, Marcus Specht, Judith Schoonenboom, Henk Sligte, Ayman Moghnieh, Davinia Hernández-Leo, Krassen Stefanov, Ruud Lemmers, Rob Koper

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference Article in proceedingAcademicpeer-review

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    Understanding the effects of different functionality in complex learning environments is one of the key challenges of learning technology research. Particularly for new personal learning environments, which combine a variety of services to offer new educational approaches such comparisons become increasingly important for analysing the effects compared to established learning environments. This paper discusses the use of cross-system log file analysis for enabling the comparison between different logging approaches used either by different PLE components of different systems used in evaluation. In the presented example the results of a cross-system log file analysis are also used for validating the results of other measures as a questionnaire. This kind of validation reduces the gap of self-recognition of activities and opinions of learners, and the actual performed actions within a learning environment. This provides a more detailed picture than subjective evaluation could do alone.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceedings of the 4th TENCompetence Open Workshop
    Subtitle of host publicationEmpowering Learners for Lifelong Competence Development: pedagogical, organisational and technological issues
    EditorsH. W. Sligte, R. Koper
    Place of PublicationAmsterdam
    PublisherSCO-Kohnstamm Instituut
    Number of pages5
    Publication statusPublished - 2008
    EventThe 4th TENCompetence Open Workshop: Empowering Learners for Lifelong Competence Development: pedagogical, organisational and technological issues - Hotel Santo Domingo, Madrid, Spain
    Duration: 10 Apr 200811 Apr 2008


    ConferenceThe 4th TENCompetence Open Workshop


    • competence development
    • virtual learning environments
    • log file analysis
    • evaluation


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