Cued Retrospective Reporting: Measuring Self-Regulated Learning

Ludo Van Meeuwen, Saskia Brand-Gruwel, Paul A. Kirschner, Jeano De Bock, Jeroen Van Merriënboer

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    Self-regulated learning (SRL) skills are especially important in professions where the half-life of initial training and education is short and where knowledge and skill obsolescence is quick. An example of just such a profession can be found in the constantly evolving field of Air Traffic Control (ATC), and thus SRL skills are essential for ATC trainees. If Air Traffic Controllers are to become and remain competent we must gain insight into how ATC trainees regulate their learning during task performance, how the acquisition of SRL skills can be stimulated, and thus how this can be measured. This study examines the use of cued retrospective reporting to measure learners’ SRL activities during the execution of complex ATC tasks. Results show that cued retrospective reporting is a workable method for measuring an extensive collection of regulation activities of ATC trainees. Further, relation between ATC task performances and SRL activities and other relating learner characteristics (i.e. Self-directed learning skills and the learners self-efficacy beliefs) were found.


    OtherAnnual Meeting of the American Education Research Association (AERA) 2012
    Abbreviated title2012 AERA
    Internet address


    • self-directed learning
    • cued retrospective reporting
    • self-regulated learning


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