D1.1 Analysis Report on Federated Infrastructure and Application Profile

Ricardo Kawese, Marco Fisichella, Fan Deng, Martin Friedrich, Katja Niemann, Dirk Börner, Philipp Holtkamp, Kyung Hun-Ha, Katrina Maxwell, Elisabetta Parodi, Jan Pawlowski, Henri Pirkkalainen, Covadonga Rodrigo, Uta Schwertel

    Research output: Book/ReportDeliverable

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    The present deliverable aims to report on functionalities of the first step of the described process. In other words, the deliverable describes how the consortium will gather the learning objects metadata, centralize the access to existing learning resources and form a suitable application profile which will contribute to a proper and suitable modeling, retrieval and presentation of the required information (regarding the learning objects) to the interested users. The described approach is the foundation for the federated, skill-based search and learning object retrieval. The deliverable focuses on reporting the analysis of the available repositories and the best infrastructure that can support OpenScout’s initiative. The deliverable explains the motivations behind the chosen infrastructure based on the study of available information and previous research and literature.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 18 Jun 2010


    • OpenScout
    • management education


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