D.1.1: Preaty State of the art report on modern assessment approaches and tools (version 3)

Maria-Jesús Rodríguez-Triana*, Alejandra Martínez-Monés*, Sara Villagrá-Sobrino, I Jorrín-Abellán, Ellen Rusman, Simos Retalis, Yolanda Frangou, Jo Boon, Anastasia Economou, Matteo Valoriani

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    Research output: Book/ReportDeliverable

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    This document is framed within the European Lifelong Learning project “Proposing modern e‐assessment approaches and tools to young and experienced in‐service teachers” (PREATY). The main purpose of this document is to identify the most relevant educational and technical considerations that may lead the decisions made in other related work packages. This document: - examines the key skills and competences that are needed to be assessed in a Technology Enhanced Environment; - reviews modern assessment approaches and tools for assessing key skills and competences; - reviews teacher training policies in the national and regional contexts of the partners who will be in charge of organizing teacher workshops in their countries; - proposes guidelines for teacher training on modern assessment approaches and tools; From this work we can conclude that: - some skills and competences are not frequently addressed by the schooling system. There is a need to increase reflection and awareness about how these skills and competences can be assessed; - some of the reviewed e‐assessment approaches and tools, like e‐Portfolio, rubrics and some integrated tools have been applied in secondary school contexts, just a few have been applied in primary education; - some approaches like learning analytics are still far from their adoption by teachers at any of the two levels; - a training approach for primary schools could be to familiarize teachers with not only the tools but also the formative e‐assessment approaches; - introducing formative e‐assessment in the schools requires both a change in the mentality of teachers (and other stakeholders) and tools that are better adapted to their needs and contexts. The PREATY project aims to contribute to both lines of work.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 12 Nov 2014


    • e-assessment
    • formative assessment
    • summative assessment
    • technology-enhanced assessment


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