D1.1 The STELLAR vision and strategy statement

Nicolas Balacheff, Rosa Bottino, Frank Fischer, Lena Hofmann, Marie Joubert, Barbara Kieslinger, Stefanie Lindstaedt, Stefanie Manca, Muriel Ney, Francesca Pozzi, Rosamund Sutherland, Katrien Verbert, Sue Timmis, Fridolin Wild, Peter Scott, Marcus Specht

    Research output: Book/ReportDeliverable

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    This First TEL Grand Challenge Vision and Strategy Report aims to: • provide a unifying framework for members of STELLAR (including doctoral candidates) to develop their own research agenda • engage the STELLAR community in scientific debate and discussion with the long term aim of developing awareness of and respect for different theoretical and methodological perspectives • build knowledge related to the STELLAR grand challenges through the construction of a wiki that is iteratively co‐edited throughout the life of the STELLAR network • develop understandings of the way in which web 2.0 technologies can be used to construct knowledge within a research community (science 2.0) • develop strategies for ways in which the STELLAR instruments can feed into the ongoing development of the wiki and how the they can be used to address the challenges highlighted in this report.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 25 Oct 2010


    • stellar
    • challenge
    • connecting
    • orchestrating
    • contextualising
    • web 2.0
    • wiki


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