D1.2 – Asset Integration Methodology

Paul Hollins, Dai Griffiths, G.W. van der Vegt, Baltasar Fernández-Manjón, Krassen Stefanov, W. Westera, Scott Wilson, Iván Martínez - Ortiz, Jared Glass, Jeremy Cooke, Thierry Platon, Matthias Hemmje, Andrew Pomazanskyi

    Research output: Book/ReportDeliverable

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    This deliverable deals with the asset integration methodology employed in the RAGE project. A considerable amount of the effort of the RAGE project has been directed towards addressing the technical challenges of asset integration and interoperability. All RAGE partners engaged in asset development adopted a pragmatic approach to integration and interoperability and where practical adopted the use of Open Standards and Specifications supported by a defined project architecture. Asset developers adopted a consistent approach to development languages. The four RAGE Game development partners each included a number of assets within their development processes and in producing the RAGE pilot Games. Their experience of the asset-based development methodology is detailed in this deliverable. Where potential gaps in the interoperability integration activity were identified, specifically in interoperability between the output of games data and Learning Management systems, the project undertook specific “proof of concept” work to address this. Where proposed activity was identified by the development community or through consultation as being problematic or as a potential barrier to adoption, for example the case of a formal nomenclature, effort was directed to more productive activity. This approach unearthed technical challenges, which were managed by the RAGE project Integration and interoperability group All issues were successfully resolved during the research and development phase of the project. Ultimately only minor integration problems occurred and these are documented within the Game development partners input into this deliverable. The RAGE project’s pragmatic approach to integration and interoperability has been very well received by those engaging with the project also serving to “cross the chasm” from both technical and philosophical perspectives and between academia and Industry. In doing so the project has achieved a number of the key primary objectives. Conceptually, from a technical perspective, the RAGE asset-based approach to Applied Game development has been validated.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherRAGE project
    Number of pages29
    Publication statusPublished - 2018


    • RAGE
    • asset integration
    • asset interoperability


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