D1.3 – Two-level authoring widget software and documentation: RAGE – WP1 – D1.3

Pavel Boytchev, Krassen Stefanov, Samuel Mascarenhas, Wim van der Vegt

    Research output: Book/ReportDeliverable

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    In this deliverable, we give detailed description of all end user tools developed in the frame of WP1, with the special emphasis on the Configuration Editor Wizard, described in Chapter 5. So far, significant parts of the asset creation infrastructure have been reported in previous deliverables D1.1 and D1.4. In order to counteract the fragmentation of the descriptions of different parts in different documents and annexes, we have opted for providing a comprehensive overview of the full range of authoring tools created in Task 1.3. We felt a coherent, full overview is needed, because of the interdependencies of the various tools that we created to accommodate the asset creation methodology. The deliverable summarises the various component authoring tools, taxonomy tools and component management tools, reported before, but also presents the new Configuration Editor Wizard: this tools allows component developers to define and generate a tailored configuration editor alongside their component, which then can be used by the user of the component (viz. game developers) to configure the component for technical integration in different software and gaming platforms. The very idea of having “an editor for creating editors” explains the reference in the deliverable’s title to “two-level authoring”. Readers already familiar with the contents of the previous deliverables may want to go immediately to chapter 5, which presents the Configuration Editor Wizard and a detailed description of two case studies used to test and demonstrate the effectiveness of the Configuration Editor Wizard.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherRAGE project
    Publication statusPublished - 2019


    • RAGE
    • Configuration Editor Wizard


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