D2.1 Analysis report on competence services

Marco Kalz, Rob Nadolski, Erlend Overby, Dirk Börner, Jan Pawlowski, Lampros Stergioulas

    Research output: Book/ReportDeliverable

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    This deliverable deals with competence and accessibility services for the OpenScout project. The analysis report should serve as a foundation for future discussions about implementations of services, that allow learners to find learning resources in the OpenScout environment based on competence related information and services that support special needs of users of the OpenScout environment. Due to the results of an initial questionnaire and several discussions within the consortium this analysis report also includes a theoretical chapter about competence based education in general and the scientific discussion about competences in the field of business and management education.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 30 Aug 2010


    • openscout
    • competence
    • competence services
    • management education


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