D2.1 Integrated Roadmap

Miguel Arjona Villanueva*, Antonio Sánchez, Naiara Sacristán, C. Glahn, M.M. Specht, S.M.E. Verjans, Ruud Lemmers, Henk Sligte

*Corresponding author for this work

    Research output: Book/ReportDeliverable

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    Deliverable 2.1 – The Integrated Roadmap – summarises the first 18
    months of requirements gathering and analysis in the TENCompetence
    project. The document consists of a summary description and a number of
    annexes with detailed results.

    The methodology chosen by the project is the Unified Process,
    supplemented with scenario-based software development techniques. On
    the basis of initial scenario’s and specific use cases, six high-level use
    cases were identified that summarise the future functionality of the
    TENCompetence integrated system. These high-level use cases build on
    the domain model that is also included.

    The four main components of the TENCompetence project, i.e. (a) the
    high-level use cases, (b) the domain model, (c) the project objectives and
    (d) the experimental setup of the pilots were then critically analysed in
    order to identify possible gaps between them. On the basis of this gap
    analysis, some recommendations were formulated for the next
    development cycles.

    On the basis of all the work in the four components and the gap analysis,
    detailed extended use cases with activity diagrams and a data model were
    developed and formulated, which again serve as the basis for the first
    version of the integrated system, the Personal Competence Manager.
    Finally, the document describes the future of the requirements process in
    the form of a research roadmap, and a detailed procedure for handling
    change requests to the integrated system.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages37
    Publication statusPublished - 2007


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