D2.2 - Final Bundle of Server-side Components

Antonio Calvo Morata, Baltasar Fernandez Manjon, Manuel Freire Moran, Dan Cristian Rotaru, Ivan Martínez Ortiz, Ruben Riestra, Mihai Dascalu, Raja Lala, Wim Westera

    Research output: Book/ReportDeliverable


    This document describes the final bundle of server side components, including a description of their functionality, and links to their full designs, documentation and downloadable versions. For a full description of the related client-side components of this workpackage, please refer to D2.4 - Final Bundle of Client-side Components (WP2). All the updated asset information is always available on-line at the public repositories where the assets are stored. Notice that those assets as open software will be continuously improved by their creators till the end of the project (the project has decided to extend that WP task till month 48) and beyond it. This bundle aggregates only the WP2 assets. Other server-side assets not described here will be covered in the final WP3 deliverables (e.g. SUGAR engine).
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Jul 2017


    • applied game
    • component
    • asset
    • server-side
    • serious game
    • user data
    • RAGE


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