D3.1 Validation of technical specifications of ECO modules

Javier Viñuales, Stefaan Ternier, Jorge Driesner, Aladdin El-Schallah, Alessandra Tomasini, Kjeld Loozen, Vítor Rocio, Felix Bohuschke

    Research output: Book/ReportDeliverable

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    The objective of this document is to list the most important technical specifications of each MOOC platform that will be integrated in the overall ECO architecture. The objective of this particular task is to carry out analysis of all the technical specifications of each of the modules/platforms that are to be integrated in the global ECO platform. Once integration will be done, an Open Data exposure solution will be implemented by means of integrating an Open Data Catalog platform such as CKAN.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 31 Mar 2014


    • ECO
    • MOOC
    • specification
    • MOOC platform


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