D4.1 – RAGE Asset Review

Jared Glass, Kam Star

Research output: Book/ReportDeliverable

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This document provides a technical review of the final version of the components that make up the RAGE ecosystem. It is complimantary to D1.2 and D8.4 and covers input and feedback on asset description, functionality, technical constraints, reusability and considerations by the game developer partners. Deliverables D1.2 (Asset Integration Methodology) and D8.4 (Evaluation of the Ecosystem Services and Processes ) cover developers’ experiences and component efficacy and as such it has been agreed to keep this deliverable ‘light’ and complimentary, focusing on the integration, constraints and reusability related aspects of various RAGE components. Through the project, many meetings, interactive sessions and bilateral contacts have continually contributed to the improvement of the RAGE components. The evaluation in this document reflects the final cycle of feedback from the game developers. The main purpose of this document is to summarize the technical experiences of the component integrators, allowing the identification of any issues so that they may be brought forward to ensure the sustainability of the RAGE ecosystem past the project’s lifetime. The structure of the document is as follows. The first section provides a review of the process involved, the methodology and reasoning behind the methods used to the gather the information. The next section provides information on the asset reviewers. Next the results are provided in visual and descriptive formats, summeries specific responses where appropriate. Leading finally to the conclusions. While some issues with documentation, setup processes and technical constraints were identified and brought to light in this document, the majority of the feedback was positive showing the final versions of the RAGE components to be functional, with little constraint and reusable.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherRAGE project
Number of pages15
Publication statusPublished - 2018
Externally publishedYes


  • RAGE
  • game asset review
  • game component review


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