D4.2 – Full Design Document

Kam Star, James Allsopp, Benjamin Hirsch, Jeremy Cook, Ian Saunders, Thierry Platon, Boris Irmscher, Holger Sprengel, Jens Piesk, Marco Polak, Marcus Lindner, Andrew Pomazansky, Sarah Humphreys, Gareth Sleightholms, Christina Steiner, Rob Nadolski, Samuel Mascarenhas, Wim Westera

    Research output: Book/ReportDeliverable


    This deliverable outlines the design blueprints for the RAGE application scenario games and forms the rest of the scope for WP4’s tasks. The game designs have been developed in collaboration with application scenario partners in WP5, and informed by WP1, 2 & 3. Additionally peer-feedback has been provided by game developers across WP4. The designs outline the integration of the RAGE assets developed in WP2 and WP3. Each section provides in detail the game play descriptions, game dynamics and mechanics, pedagogies and technical implementation of the RAGE assets into the game applications as described in detailed in WP5’s application documents. The full description of the application objectives and associated learning outcomes has been provided in the project’s MS2 Application Scenario Outlines document.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 24 Mar 2016


    • design
    • serious game
    • applied game
    • RAGE


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