D4.2. User Requirements

Steven Verjans, Kamakshi Rajagopal, Chris Valentine

    Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned reportProfessional

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    The CEFcult project aims to support learners in working on their intercultural communicative skills. It does this by developing an online assessment platform where learners can capture their behaviour by going through scenarios and performing tasks that elicit intercultural performance. The samples can then be assessed and rated against intercultural and linguistic assessment scales, by the learner herself or by invited others. The aim of this deliverable is to identify the user requirements in order to design and implement a platform enabling social assessment of intercultural communicative competence. Firstly, we will discuss the relevant characteristics of intercultural and linguistic competence assessment. Secondly, we will go into the requirements and options for technological support in this kind of assessment. Thirdly, we will describe the expected user experience we want to design on this platform and finally, establish the required functionality from the platform.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 9 Feb 2011


    • CEFcult
    • intercultural communicative competence
    • cef
    • assessment
    • web-based
    • video
    • webCEF
    • intercultural competence
    • online assessment
    • collaborative assessment
    • self assessment
    • peer assessment
    • expert assessment
    • user requirements


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