D4.3 Implementation and evaluation plan of Cycle 2 pilots: Report containing internal deliverable outcomes ID4.3, ID4.6, ID4.8 and ID4.11

Davinia Hernández-Leo*, Jonathan Chacón, Sergio Sayago, Josep Blat, Krassen Stefanov, Carel Keuls, Wim Glas, Ioanna Popescu, M. Angeles Pérez, Judith Schoonenboom, C. Glahn, Ruud Lemmers

*Corresponding author for this work

    Research output: Book/ReportDeliverable

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    This document reports on the implementation and evaluation planof the five TENCompetence pilots that will be carried out in Cycle2: “Water Management”, “Agora”, “ICT Teacher Training”, “SpecialEducation” and “Digital Cinema”. The pilots will be using the newversion Personal Competence Manager as well as a combination ofseveral tools implemented in the project.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationHeerlen
    Number of pages86
    Publication statusPublished - 2008


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