D4.3 – Initial version of game applications for scenario pilots

Kam Star, Ben Hirsh, Jack Coldridge, Ellis Spice, Thierry Platon, Alida Ruggeri, Boris Irmscher, Jens Piesk, Marco Polak, Marcus Linder, Holger Sprengel, Andrew Pomazansky, Sarah Humphreys, Gareth Sleightholms, Ian Saunter

    Research output: Book/ReportDeliverable


    This intermediate report provides an overview of the current versions of the RAGE games made using the RAGE assets for the first round of pilot testing and formative evaluation. The document serves as internal communication and discussion in RAGE among game companies and asset developers together with case owners and evaluators. Whilst detailed description of the design of the games, together with their learning outcomes and piloting can be found in D4.2 and D5.1, updates and changes to the designs, game flow and use of assets are included here.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Nov 2016


    • game design
    • serious game
    • applied game
    • RAGE


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